Two Rivers Specialty Meats

In 2006, Two Rivers co-founders Margot and Jason Pleym tied the knot in BC’s Pemberton Valley, where the Lillooet River and Ryan Creek meet. Guests danced in a barn, pulled a beer from tractor buckets and listened to Barney Bentall perform a song he wrote especially for the occasion: Where Two Rivers Meet.

In 2007, Margot and Jason gave up their jobs to plot their next steps from a yellow school bus by the Kicking Horse River in Golden, BC. They returned to Vancouver in the fall with a plan to connect local farmers and meat-eaters, and a name for their new business.

In the beginning, Two Rivers Specialty Meats was nothing more than a handful of people working out of a tiny space. There are more of us today, and our offices and warehouse are bigger, but our purpose remains the same.

Meat Lovers Who Mean Business

The Two Rivers team is an active, forward-thinking crew of certified journeymen butchers, Red Seal chefs and other food types who are serious about meat. We look for passionate people who are not only skilled, but also eager to learn. This is a family-owned business and the people who work here are part of our family tree.

Driven By Meaty Values

Together, we bring meat from farms to tables in a way that lets you understand and appreciate the food you eat. Our work is guided by three key values: quality meat products, respect for the animals and people we work with, and excellence every step of the way—from how we choose our partners to the cuts on your plate.


Nelson the Seagull